Saturday, July 12, 2008

Dead Babies or A Pile of Bricks?

The following is a commentary regarding a comment left for me (in reference to a comment I made during my last post) for the commentary consideration of our comment readers or those who would just like to read this commentary... (no further dry humor in this post... sorry)

"You seem to imply there is something wrong if a babykilling abortion mill is burned or bomb. What do you prefer, dead babies or a pile of bricks? Innocent unborn babies deserve to be protected just as born children deserve to be protected. You would have no problem protecting born children if they were about to be murdered."

Lovely thing: free will... God-made, God-allowed, God-endorsed.

In my limited study of the Bible, I have never read a passage where Jesus Christ forced His way on anyone. God gave everyone free will and thus, the right to make decisions, whether good or bad and as Christ-followers, we are charged to live our lives according to His example. Matter of fact, by Jesus' example, we should love and pray for these people and if we do need to confront them, do so in a respectful, non-judgemental manner. (See John 8:1-11)

Violence/taking matters into your own hands by committing hate crimes against those who seek and/or give abortions also shows a lack of compassion, mercy and grace that is so deeply a part of God's character. The use of violence (or the implementation of the "kill the killers" thought process) to combat abortion is not only merciless and graceless, but it contradicts the moral grounds over which the battle is fought in the first place. It greatly hinders and downright discredits the pro-lifer's argument, which is, in fact, that murder is wrong and immoral.

God tells us in Romans 12:17-21:
Never pay back evil for evil to anyone... Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord. "BUT IF YOUR ENEMY IS HUNGRY, FEED HIM, AND IF HE IS THIRSTY, GIVE HIM A DRINK…" Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

That said, I do strongly believe abortion is wrong and I thank Rev. Spitz for breaching this subject with me as it should be a matter of great concern for all Christ-followers. I viewed Rev. Spitz’s blog and although I strongly DISAGREE with his methods of fighting abortion, I do believe abortion is the murder of a child. I saw evidence of the horrific on Rev. Spitz’s blog and it will forever be burned into my memory; explicit photos of late term abortions and for the life of me, I cannot understand why people would think that sucking a child into pieces, ripping a child apart or injecting poison into a child is an ok thing to do. Even a little one at only eight weeks in gestation has developed little arms and fingers. To this point, I fully agree with Rev. Spitz; these are BABIES, not just tissue, not just cells… they are babies that people like me, would have loved to have loved; babies who could have been adopted by families with empty arms; babies that could have lived beautiful, wonderful, and amazing lives.

But the amazing thing about God is that not only does He love and mourn over the innocent victims of abortion, but He still loves and still deeply cares for their moms and dads and the doctors that perform these procedures. Don't get me wrong, God is just as much a God of justice as He is a God of love, but God does not hate people - He hates sin. I can say this with supreme confidence because if God hated sinners, He would never have sent Jesus to us. If God hated sinners, then the very Bible that we Christians base our entire faith on would be a complete and total lie.

For example, John 3:16 tells us:
For God so loved the world, that He gave us His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, would not perish but have everlasting life.

That means God sent Jesus to everyone on this planet, not just the "sort of good" people... but every people... because every single last one of us "have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

Who are we to take "justice" into our own hands? Who is to say that the woman who had an abortion yesterday will, five years from now, suddenly realize what she did and confess her sin, repent and turn to Jesus? Who is to say that she will not become an advocate who makes it her life’s mission to change the lives of other mothers who themselves are considering abortions? Who is to say? You? Me? My friends, if she is murdered as she walks out of the abortion clinic, she’ll never have the opportunity to do that. If God were to judge us in the same manner, we'd all be going straight to hell.

Whether it’s abortion, pornography, prostitution, alcoholism, drug addition, stealing, raping, murdering, cheating, lying, hate crimes, etc., or maybe it's something of much less magnitude, we are all sinners - sin is sin to God and God tells us He will administer justice. Jesus never charged Christians to judge or condemn anyone... matter of fact, He calls us to do just the opposite - He calls us to love and be merciful. (Luke 6:32-36)

In Matthew 28:19, Jesus charges us with the Great Commission, which is to “go and make disciples." How are we to do this, if we are intentionally trying to hurt or kill the very people we are trying to reach for Him?

We all, every last single one of us, have fallen short of God’s standard (which is perfection), but the exciting part is there is hope for us! All we have to do is take a hold of Jesus and our pasts, no matter what we have done, no matter what trough, what gutter, what cesspool we’ve struggled through, no matter how bad we are, no matter where we are in our lives - we can be wiped clean - we can start fresh and anew. That is the beauty of who Jesus is and what He has done for us! We don’t have to walk around dirty and foul and used and unwanted!

So, in closing, if you have come to that place in your life where you want something more, if you have come to that place in your life where you want to feel clean, unashamed, and forgiven; if you have come to that place in your life where you want to let go of your anger, your worry, your bitterness, your broken dreams and your broken heart, then talk to Jesus today and tell Him how much you need Him. I guarantee, He’s listening with everything He has within Him.

So ends another light blog from off the fingertips of one who will be shortly looking for something good in the fridge.

I leave you now with one of the most beloved quotes of all time...

"…and that's all I have to say about that..."

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