Friday, July 11, 2008

The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of... Part 2

I call them my "supernatural dreams." They don't happen real often. But when they do... let's just say, they make those run-of-the-mill nightmares (like the kind where something is after you and you can't move, or like the kind where you're trying to throw a punch and you can't, or the kind where a big ear keeps falling on you and you can't get it off...) they make those nightmares look like a trip to the Sees Candy store at Easter time (which, actually, is pretty hairy... all those little, geriatric, old ladies with their elbows out, practically running you over to get to the Nuts and Chews...).

I used to have these dreams quite regularly when I was a teenager. Now I have one once every two or three years, but when they do happen, they happen with surprising clarity and vividness. They impact me so much, that when I awake, if I concentrate, I can remember what people were wearing, how they smelled, if there was a breeze, what color the sky was, exactly who I was with, the exact words of my conversations with them, their facial expressions, what was happening in the background, etc. Even more keenly than anything else, I remember the feelings, the emotions and the sharp, abrupt, and cutting sensations of the state of my mental reality once my dream crests.

These reactions are so clear that when I snap myself awake, I am instantly jolted out of my everyday perspective on life and am motivated to think from an eternal point of view. Why? Because these dreams are freaky people! I'm telling you! Just plain bizarroville!

Although they are not necessarily what the Bible actually foretells (sometimes they are a mish-mosh of different biblical events), they all have a couple things in common: they are either about the Rapture or the Second Coming of Christ and in these dreams, I am horrifically panicked that either me, or someone I love has just realized that they will spend an eternity separated from God - from everything good and true and just and loving and calm and peaceful and beautiful and kind and thoughtful and generous and merciful... that we are left to spend the rest of our mournful eternities in the vile, wretchedness of hell where, in the desolation of our black hearts, we are laid bare to everything evil and wicked. It is in that exact moment, in that one eternal instance, I realize that I cannot bridge the chasm that falls away before me, that I won't be able to go back and make things right, that time is gone and I cannot go back, that I had the truth within my grasp and I was too consumed with myself to think of anything (or anyone) else and now, it's too late. Scared isn't the word for the depth of my anguish at these points... to say I was consumed by my frenzied yearnings to turn back time, even if only for one single day, would be a vast, vast understatement and all I feel is an intense pleading that falls into darkness.

I'm outside, enjoying a beautiful day with the sun shining down on my shoulders, watching the clouds move slowly overheard. I look at my hands and at the ground, the sun is so bright, I squint my eyes. I can hear a bird chirping and the noise of distant traffic. There are people walking in a park nearby, enjoying the gentle lift of a summer breeze. I look up again, and gaze at the light blue sky, when freakishly, I see out of the corner of my eye, there is something wrong with the sun… it starts to turn red. I feel the color start to leave my face as I notice, everything has gone quite – there is complete silence in a world where, just ten seconds before was filled with noise. I hear a loud roar, so loud, my hands go instantly to my ears and as I look up, the sky starts to peel back, like a giant hand is unwrapping the world. The clouds are violently sucked into a vacuum and the air rushes around my legs, my arms. The moon flys across the sky as if pulled by an invisible string then disappears from my sight. I look at the ground and pebbles roll frantically away from my feet as if someone is wiping the earth free of clutter. I body shudders violently as I realize what is taking place. Then, trumpets and voices. My hands are still on my ears but I can hear they declaring, "Holy, Holy, Holy..." and then a brilliant light... brighter than the sun, I cannot look at it, I cannot look at it. I look at the ground and at my shaking feet and see there are no longer any shadows, just this brilliant, radiant, all-powerful, light. I am engulfed in sensation, my senses in full arrest as I drop to my knees. I find I don't want to do anything but lay down... my face, my head, my hands on the ground. And then I realize... this is Jesus... He has returned.

Some call it the end of days or the end times... the Bible actually prophecies and promises that certain events and signs will take place in these last days, the days before WWIII, the church's rapture and, like this particular dream, Jesus' second return. Flights of fancy? Old wives tales? Or maybe fairy stories of imaginations run wild... it is a centuries old argument which boils down to faith; however, not a blind faith.

The historicity of the Bible cannot be mistaken and even secular historians agree that Jesus lived. There are hundreds of arguments that have been made regarding the historical accuracy of the Bible. If you'd like to check it out, do a web search. You will find, both secular and Christian historians agree, it the most well-documented ancient text in all of history - the only thing that comes close the to 20,000+ New Testament copies is the 600+ copies of Homer's, The Illiad. But just because we have thousands of copies that are 99% error free (in terms of transcription over thousands of years) doesn't mean it's the truth, right? I couldn't agree more. The Bible is also supported by archaeological evidence (unearthed ancient cities/sites, whose locations and/or destruction's were noted in the Bible, and proven to be true) other secular ancient texts that corroborate the Bible and it's accounts, not to mention biblical prophecy (which we see coming true, for example, the modern Establishment of the State of Israel in 1948). But again, this just proves the Bible is historically accurate... it doesn't necessarily prove that Jesus was God.

The real question is not whether Jesus lived (as again, this is not disputed amongst reputable historians, secular or Christian), the real question is whether Jesus is who He said He is, and whether this book - the Bible - is the infallible, inerrant, and perfect Word of God.

Now the rubber meets the road. We know the Bible is historically accurate, but what about Jesus' claim to Deity? Was Jesus really God?

Some believe Jesus was a good person, but not God. If that is the case, then He must have been either a liar or pretty loopy because you either really believe you're God (and you're crazy) or you don't but you say you do (then you're just a big liar). But one has to question, if Jesus really was a liar, why would He die for a lie? Would you be willing to endure hours of the foulest torture and humiliation in front of all your loved ones, then be willingly nailed to a cross to die for a lie? I mean, seriously, think about it... think about it.

Another point to ponder: why would 11 of His 12 disciples die horrible martyrs deaths (stonings, crucifixions, spearings, etc.) in defense of their faith? Would 11 men knowingly, willingly, die for a lie? or a wacko, crazy person claiming to be God? Why would they all run and hide (before and during His crucifixion) then turn into men who were willing to be martyred for their faiths if they had not believed and seen Jesus resurrected?

This is just the tip of the "pondering" iceberg when it comes to whether the Bible is valid or not. But don't take it from me... check it out yourself... do some searching - see what you come up with and then make a decision for yourself. If you'd like to know more about what the Bible says about the end days, I have included a series at the very bottom of this blog page about biblical prophecy. It's a fascinating look at what the Bible says about the days we live in and how the stage is being set in the middle east.

For those of you who are interested, there is something called Prophecy Weekend at Friends Church on August 30th and 31st, 2008 where Phil Hotsenpiller will be speaking on what the Bible says about the end times. Pretty interesting stuff. You can visit in late July for more information.

In closing, I know many are offended by even the mention of Jesus. Many are repulsed by the "closed-mindedness," "naivety," "ignorance" or some even say "hatred" of Christians today. And I would tend to agree, Jesus wouldn't bomb abortion clinics, Jesus wouldn't call people names and tease them about their sexual orientation, Jesus wouldn't ask for money in a child's name and then spend it on a big house or a fancy car, Jesus wouldn't pass a poor person without offering them food, water, or love. No, Jesus wasn't like that at all. But I think people start thinking that Jesus was all love and no opinion, which isn't true. Jesus was very opinionated and He told people exactly what He thought about the sin they allowed in their lives. Why? Because sin is what separates us from Him.

And more and more Christ-followers are starting to feel a great need to communicate this with their loved ones - maybe it's because we see things starting to come together in terms of biblical prophecy - or maybe it's an internal clock that all believers have... I don't know. All I do know is this: I don't want any of my family or friends to experience the coming reality that I sometimes dream about. I don't want my family and friends thinking, why didn't she say anything, why didn't she tell me? I don't want to be separated from my friends, from my loved ones and more than anything, I don't want them to be separated from my Lord.

Is the Bible true? Is Jesus for real? or is this all just one big, whooped up story?

You must decide for yourself.

...just remember, eternity is a long time to be sorry for not making the right decision when you had the chance.

1 comment:

Rev. Donald Spitz said...

You seem to imply there is something wrong if a babykilling abortion mill is burned or bomb. What do you prefer, dead babies or a pile of bricks? Innocent unborn babies deserve to be protected just as born children deserve to be protected. You would have no problem protecting born children if they were about to be murdered.

SAY THIS PRAYER: Dear Jesus, I am a sinner and am headed to eternal hell because of my sins. I believe you died on the cross to take away my sins and to take me to heaven. Jesus, I ask you now to come into my heart and take away my sins and give me eternal life.