Thursday, April 16, 2009

Heartfelt Reminder

I wept while watching this short clip. To many it many seem like a “feel-good, under-dog wins” clip, but to me it is much more. As I watched this clip, it resonated deep in my person – and has become one of the most heartfelt reminders of how incredibly precious and prized we are in God’s eyes.

Watching this woman brought tears to my eyes. In this, the performance of her life, we watch how this older, unemployed, unattractive, never-been-kissed woman – initially laughed at – we watch how she is transformed into something valued, something treasured… something prized.

I’ve always considered myself an ugly duckling, nothing much to look at and certainly nothing much to brag about, but lately, I’ve been trying to focus not so much what other people think about me (or what even I think about me) so much as I try to concentrate on what God thinks about me. God tells me I am precious. He calls me His beloved.

So watching Susan Boyle was like watching myself – socially awkward, a little off-beat, and seriously frumpy, Susan Boyle was not a crowd pleaser… until they all understood, there was a lot more to Susan Boyle than what was presented from a strictly exterior view.

To God, each of us is a Susan Boyle, except unlike all us wonderful, non-superficial humans, He knew her value well before she opened her mouth… and so He knows the worth of each and every one of us. God knew and treasured her even before she appeared on that show and God will know and treasure her regardless of fame, fortune or success even after the limelight fades to black.

I am convinced, we are all like Susan Boyle in God’s eyes… and unlike the crowd of people around us who judge us on our financial success, our level of education, our social status, how attractive we are, or even how spiritual we are, God sees past all the superficial fluff into our very hearts. But the amazing thing to me about this is, regardless of what He sees there, even if I am the ugliest, darkest, most unattractive, and dirtiest person on earth, He tells me I am beyond cherished, I am past any value anyone could ever put on me... all because I was bought with a price - paid for by the blood of His Son, Jesus.

And after that, we should no longer be concerned with the Simon Cowell’s, or the Paula Abdul’s we may meet along life’s bumpy road. After Jesus, the only audience we should be concerned about performing for is our Audience of One! And He will always give us a standing ovation – no matter how lowly or how insignificant the world may tell us we are.

Click here to watch Susan's performance.

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